Multiplication Of Cross-Border Governance Mechanisms: Implications
For Democracy And Global Order
Saskia Sassen Ralph Lewis Professor
of Sociology
University of Chicago December 2001
Major transformations since the 1980s
have contributed to a proliferation of partial, often highly
specialized, mechanisms for the cross-border governance of a
growing number of processes and institutions. There is considerable
heterogeneity in the key institutional features of these mechanisms,
their level of formalization and transparency, the extent of
their incorporation into national legal systems, and the extent
to which they operate in the public domain or are private self-regulatory
initiatives. There is also considerable variation in how these
mechanisms for governance relate or interact with national law
and with international treaty law and custom.
All together this produces an enormously
complex and dynamic context for the larger question of global
governance. The particular concern guiding our project consists
of two distinct matters:
- First, what is the emergent structure
of global governance resulting from this multiplicity of partial,
often highly specialized mechanisms?
- Second, on a more heuristic and
methodological level, what do the events of September 11 and
its aftermath make legible in terms of the strengths and the
deficiencies of this emergent structure for global governance.
There is a rapidly growing scholarly
and research literature that covers particular governance mechanisms
and has contributed an enormous amount of knowledge to the subject.
What is lacking is a well-developed analysis of
- how these various mechanisms cohere
or not,
- whether they constitute emergent
- what are the tensions and synergies
among them, whether they are mutually supportive or not,
- what is left out of the picture,
- what remains unrecognized and
In the first phase of this project,
currently underway, we are beginning to map these issues in order
to develop a larger and long-term project with a highly developed
focus and methodology. At this stage, we are developing coordinated
overviews of the field of global governance as constituted through
the multiple specialized mechanisms and self-coordinated initiatives
that have been developed and operate today. In part, this entails
a preliminary and somewhat schematic mapping of these multiple
governance mechanisms and activities. Also entailed is a preliminary
exploration of what is falling between the cracks, with special
attention to what September 11 and its aftermath have made clear
about our existing apparatus for global governance. Of particular
concern are the implications for democratic participation and
public accountability of global governance systems, on the one
hand, and their positivie and/or negative impacts on national
democratic and accountability mechanisms, on the other.
The emergent global governance structure
includes a variety of components: highly specialized mechanisms,
older forms of treaty and customary law, new soft governance
systems, informal initiatives and networks aimed at self-regulation
or promotion of specific causes. We will refer to this variety
of forms as governance mechanisms for shorthand. A full inventory
of all these components would, probably, be quite impossible
given the multiplication of initiatives at all levels. The critical
issue for our purposes is a mapping of the variety of mechanisms
in order to understand their heterogeneity and possible tensions
or synergies among these various mechanisms. We classify the
types of governance mechanisms we will focus on as follows:
- Mechanisms for cross-border
governance which are specific, specialized and formalized. Prominent
among these are mechanisms that cover multiple aspects of
global trade (e.g. the manufacturing standards contained
in the International Standards Organization), global capital
markets (e.g. accounting and financial reporting standards
contained in the International Accounting Standards Board),
monetary policy issues covered by the International Bank
of Settlements, the cross-border circulation of professional
workers contained in all the major trade agreements (notably
NAFTA and the GATTS), the global art market (e.g. insurance
standards), refugee flows (e.g. the standards contained in
the UN Convention on Refugees), and many others.
- Broader formal systems that
require often complex insertions in national legal systems
and/or existing international law and agreements. Among
these are the relation between national law and World Trade
Organization efforts to eliminate trade restrictions, timetables
for the attainment of environmental goals, the enabling legislation
for human rights/universal jurisdiction. The European Union
represents, clearly, an enormously complex effort to establish
cross-border governance systems. To what extent we will use
it as both a concrete instance of such systems and one that
illuminates the possibilities and constraints will be established
during the planning stage. Given the level of complexity
and formalization it would require experts on various aspects
of the European Union to become part of the effort.
- Informal systems or private
systems, both of which fall outside inter-governmental frameworks.
Insofar as globalization and its constitutive policies have
reduced the formal authority of national states and their
exclusivity in the domain of cross-border relations, other
types of actors and issues have had a chance to emerge. Some
of these informal cross-border governance mechanisms may
become formalized and incorporated into broader systems while
others may remain informal; and some of these private mechanisms
may become part of the public domain. Here we include a variety
of cross-border activist networks concerning the environment,
human rights, immigrants, refugees, women, child labor, illegally
trafficked women for the sex industries, fair trade, anti-WTO
struggles, civic groups working for better conditions in
border regions, alternative media, sweatshops, and many others.
We also include a series of private self-regulatory mechanisms
developed by corporations to handle a growing range of issues
formerly in the domain of state authority: international
commercial arbitration as the main way of handling cross-border
business disputes, self-regulation in economic sectors dominated
by a limited number of large corporations, voluntary instituting
of labor standards and human rights codes in a growing number
of large visible multinational corporations, and others.
Considerable research and analysis
of these governance mechanisms has been produced over the last
decade. We identify two major trends in this research literature
and, on that ground, identify what is missing and provides the
rationale for our project. On the one hand, there is a vast amount
of empirical information on each of these three types of governance
mechanisms. Much of this information is highly specialized and
hence has as its central and typically unique focus the characteristics
of single mechanisms. As a result we have multiple research literatures
which tend to be part of different academic disciplines and methodologies.
The scholars and researchers involved tend to have few occasions
to interact in substantive ways that could advance a more synthetic
account of how these various governance mechanisms interact with
each other and the type of governance architecture they are shaping.
The central contribution of these bodies of research is their
detailed data on specific governance mechanisms.
On the other hand, there is a very
general overview literature on global governance which is characterized
by normative efforts and tends to be conceptual with few if any
empirical specifications. Precisely because it seeks to address
the broader subject of global governance, this literature has
positioned itself at a sufficiently general level to avoid the
particularisms of each governance domain. The central contribution
of this literature is its articulation of general propositions
about various features of a putative global governance system.
Our proposed study will make use
and indeed benefit enormously from the existence of these two
bodies of research and scholarship. What is missing or remains
undeveloped is an empirically grounded, normatively informed
analysis of the emergent architecture for global governance constituted
via these specific mechanisms, and what matters are excluded
from this emergent architecture or are not given legitimate status.
This is the subject we will begin to work on through this planning
grant and then continue in the larger better defined project
we will develop based on the results of the planning grant.
A key assumption in our project is
that there are possibilities for global governance, but that
they are not necessarily the same as those contained in national
systems, and hence need specification, and, secondly, that existing
mechanisms are not necessarily sufficient to ensure democratic
participation and public accountability. This in turn raises
the possibility that national criteria and institutions for legitimating
and recognizing the normative value of a given mechanism (e.g.
in terms of democratic participation and public accountability)
may well be insufficient.
The existence itself of cross-border
governance mechanisms, both formalized and not, and their proliferation
signals that national systems are insufficient, that something
has changed, and that what used to be confined to national democratic
systems is no longer thus confined. We need to understand how
these criteria can be worked into the emergent global governance
architecture. We also need to understand the extent to which
this emergent architecture cannot accommodate such criteria.
Which existing systems and dominant trends in the development
of cross-border governance mechanisms are strengthening democratic
participation and public accountability, or at least enabling
these, and which are having the opposite effect? A critical issue
for our project will be to understand the nature and direction
of the interactions of different types of governance mechanisms
and the possibility that this produces new types of asymmetries
with distinct consequences.
This effort will be aided by the
existing research on the scope, efficiency, and features of many
of these governance mechanisms. But we cannot do this simply
by reviewing each mechanism on its own terms. We also need to
get a hold of the whole, the interactions and tensions among
different mechanisms, and how these interact with existing national
systems (many of which will continue to exist for the foreseeable
Getting a handle on this emergent
global governance structure will require more than an analysis
of established mechanisms such as those listed in the preceding
section. It will also require understanding more elusive, often
hidden or unrecognized, elements that are de-facto producing
governance dynamics or are undermining these. Among the features
we want to specify empirically in this regard are the following:
- First, there is a growing range
of objective conditions that are de-facto transboundary conditions,
some recognized and some not. Some of these are minor and probably
do not warrant much governing. Some of them are serious and
demand our attention. Among the most extreme, and probably
somewhat rare, are those brought to the fore by the events
of September 11: the use of the global financial system and
of the global system for the circulation of people by organized
terrorism for purposes falling outside the confines of those
- Second, there is an emergent systemic
condition that enables and pushes states to collaborate in
multilateral engagements that is not quite fully captured in
formal treaty law. Again, the events of September 11 and the
subsequent decisions to launch an international police effort
and an international military action made evident a far stronger
disposition towards multilateral action than one could have
inferred from formal agreements. It is uncertain that invokation
of the by now famous Nato clause holding that the attack on
one member state calls all members into action would by itself
have sufficed to get this alliance going. Rather, it would
seem that there are (new) embedded factors promoting new types
of multilateral collaboration even as unilateral sovereign
authority remains the key feature of the inter-state system;
these embedded factors may not be as fully recognized, named
and formalized as they could be.
- Third, considerable resources,
both private and public have gone into the development of some
of these mechanisms for governance (e.g. those linked to the
functioning of the global capital market) and few if any have
gone into the development of others (e.g. multilateral approaches
to the regulation of cross-border migrations). Beyond the possible
inequities involved in this uneven distribution of resources,
there is the far thornier fact that this asymetry itself will
tend to reproduce the legitimacy of certain types of claims
(e.g. claims for the existence of global capital market) and
the lesser, or lack of, legitimacy of others (e.g. the claims
for international labor and wage standards to avoid a race
to the bottom). This asymmetry may carry serious consequences
precisely because these are highly dynamic processes and because
increasingly unilateral state action will be inadequate for
the resolution of various issues.
The Global Governance Project is
currently producing an inventory of the existing mechanisms for
cross-border governance developed with the onset of globalization
in the 1980s, with special attention to what the events of September
11 have made visible in terms of cross-border governance and
its strengths and failures. Clearly, many of these issues are
also the domain of national governance mechanisms, and making
these distinctions is not always easy or self-evident, especially
in cases where the boundaries are shifting or unstable given
ongoing economic and political globalization. Based on our conceptual
mapping of the emergent global governance structure and our exploration
of possible collaborative efforts, we will establish a set of
questions for further research and a deeper analysis of the emergent
global governance structure than the initial conceptual mapping
described here. |